
Women in Mathematics

In the film 'The Imitation Game' Keira Knightley plays a truly great character: Joan Clarke. The scene in the movie during which she is confused with someone coming to interview for a secretarial role is not at all surprising. It is obviously shocking but not surprising. Joan Clarke won a Scholarship to attend Cambridge, where she did extremely well

The Imitation Game: Morality and Statistics

A crucial moment occurs in The Imitation Game when Alan Turing and his team, having finally broken the Enigma code, for the first time decode a series of German communications. As the communications are current naval instructions, the team can plot the movement of warships.

Silver Linings Playbook

To mark Mental Health Awareness Week 2015, Cardiff sciSCREEN, MRC CNGG and NCMH held a special free screening of Silver Linings Playbook at Cineworld Cardiff.

The Imitation Game

On April 16th 2015 we showed The Imitation Game, a 2014 historical thriller film directed by Morten Tyldum. The event was free and was sponsored by Cardiff University School of Social Sciences. Following the screening a panel of experts discussed key themes from the movie.

GATTACA and genetic discrimination in employment – much ado about nothing?

GATTACA, premiered in 1997 and shown recently at a sciSCREEN event at Cardiff University (, depicts the world in not-too-distant future, in which genetic discrimination, segregation, and liberal eugenics are the unintended consequence of genetic screening technologies meant to assist human reproduction.

GATTACA: A past future of biological control

“I not only think that we will tamper with nature. I think Mother Nature wants us to” is one of the opening quotations of GATTACA. Its author, the American psychiatrist and bioethicist, Willard Gaylin, is inviting us to consider the possibility that evolution is not the only engineer of our nature – human beings have always played a part in this process.


As part of British Science Week Cardiff sciscreen organised a FREE event supported by the British Science Association and the Schools Partnership Project. Following a screening of Andrew Niccol’s GATTACA a drinks reception with refreshments and post-film discussion took place.


ENFYS, the Cardiff University LGBT+ Staff Network are hosting a free screening of the inspiring movie PRIDE to celebrate LGBT History Month in association with Cardiff sciSCREEN.

How drugs are developed

Are the events portrayed in the film at all realistic?

Could it really happen?

Could it really happen? Are the events portrayed in the film at all realistic?